first annual  Dart tournament

Saturday • Register at  11am • Throw at noon

1st Annual Sparta Butterfest Dart Tournament

 Sign in at fest tent 11:00

Start throwing at Noon

Tournament Entry $10.00 • LOD Tournament • $1 Fee Per Game

501 Stacked, Cricket Race to 3 on winner's side and race to 2 on losers side

50-50 Drawing  50% to ticket holder

50% to payout pot

150% payback

Butterfest Button required to enter the tent for the tournament. $3 in advance, $5 at the gate. 

Any age welcome • Parent must be present for anyone younger than 21. 

EVENT Hours:


Registration 11am

Throw at12pm 


Fest Tent

Sparta Festival Grounds are located at Memorial Park on the corner of Rusk Avenue and Montgomery Street.  



Randy Pfaff


NOTE: Bringing dogs or pets on Fest Grounds is strongly discouraged. You will be responsible for any injury or damages related to your pet on  the fest grounds.